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Business Details

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Garth Cottage Nursery
Picture - Garth Cottage Nursery
Specialist growers of culinary herbs which provide a great range of flavours for the cook, including 17 types of basil, 40 varieties of mint, over 40 thymes,19 marjorams and oreganos, 26 rosemary�s, 18 sages & 100+ varieties of lavender. Also salad dressings & vinegars etc. Not open to the public but many farmers markets attended across the County

Business Type : Farmer or grower

Contact : Mr & Mrs Paul & Chris Turner
Address : Garth Cottage,
Newby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9ET
Find us : Map/Directions

Telephone : 01609777233
Fax : 01609775777
Email : [email protected]

Attend farmers markets

Local produce we sell includes:
Chilli Plants
Dressings & Oils
Infused Vinegars


Pick your own
Pick your own
Farm gate sales
Farm gate sales
On site cafe
Organic produce
Organic produce
Local delivery
Local delivery
Farmers markets
Attend farmers markets
Children's facilities
Children's facilities
Visitors by appointment
Visitors by appointment
Mail order
Mail order
Farm Shop
Farm Shop
Visitor attraction
Visitor attraction on site
Trade enquiries welcome
Supplies trade
Farmers & Growers
Farmers & Growers
Retailers & Processors
Retailers & Processors

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